Sue Lewis Guest Blog

Do you suffer from bladder leaks & think it is normal after babies or at the menopause ? 

Do you have STRESS INCONTINENCE - leaking when you jump, run, sneeze, cough or exercise? 

Do you have URGE INCONTINENCE - when you need ‘to go’ you have ‘to go’ ?

What about an OVER ACTIVE BLADDER - always needing ‘to go’ ?

GIGGLE INCONTINENCE - when the ‘tears’ run down your legs (maybe on a girl’s night out perhaps with alcohol involved?)

LATCH KEY LEAKS - when you are arriving home & the key goes into the lock.

How do you cope when your bladder is being disloyal?

Are you aware of some of the following tricks to suppress your bladder urges & to keep your knickers dry?

  • Contract your pelvic floor muscles so your bladder can relax - zip up from the back passage, lift up through the vagina, close the front passage & continue zipping up your core muscles. Long holds to build up endurance to help you hold on longer & quick flicks or The Knack to activate the muscle fibres around the sphincters - remember to keep breathing.

  • Applying external pressure can help the pelvic floor contraction eg depending where you are from your hand or your heel (if sitting on the floor) or a rolled up towel (on your car seat) or the arm of a chair.

  • Try distracting yourself, counting backwards, reciting a poem or singing all will keep you breathing as well.

  • Talk to your bladder - tell it there is room inside it to fill up more & expand , that you don’t need to go now, that it is not convenient, that it can wait. 

  • Don’t get worried - anxiety ( will increase the release of cortisol ) which will make the situation worse - relax & your stress levels will lower.

  • Stand still or cross your legs or  lift your heels up & down or curl your toes or rub the backs of your calves.

  • Knuckle pressure to your top lip or sacrum can also help the urge to go away.

After 20 seconds the urge will go & you can walk slowly to empty your bladder if it is still needed.

The pelvis is a bony bowl & the pelvic floor is a web of supportive muscles attached to the bony points which work dynamically whenever we walk, sit, stand, squat, lunge etc.

Incontinence is not only due just to a weak pelvic floor (it can be too tight as well sometimes) but other factors can contribute to leakage.

How much you drink a day? 

Not enough fluid & along with dehydration comes constipation and  acidic urine that makes the bladder contract too early. Fill in a diary to check  how much & how often you visit the loo.

What do you drink? 

Caffeine in tea, (including Green Tea) coffee & chocolate.

Fizzy drinks (including water) alcohol, acidic fruit juices (artificial sweeteners) all irritate the bladder reducing these items gradually can help reduce leaks .

How do you empty your bladder & bowels? 

Sitting with your knees higher than your hips - rocking your pelvis forwards & backwards can help the last trickle drain out of the bladder & supporting the front of your perineum while relaxing (not straining) ‘shushing’ can empty your bowels more effectively .

Sarah Maxwell